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Using hCG and Testosterone Therapy to Promote Sperm Health

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Have you and your significant other decided to start a family but are concerned about the health of your sperm? Quantity, structure and movement are among the factors that determine male fertility or lack thereof.

To put this in perspective, a single ejaculation during intercourse contains up to 15 million sperm. Only a few will make it to the fertilization process. It is, therefore, important to do what you can to preserve the overall well-being of your swimmers. Combining hCG and testosterone therapy can help.


Intratesticular testosterone is a major hormone that plays a pivotal role in sperm production, including developing male reproductive tissues like the prostate and testes. Testosterone deficiency is not uncommon; as men age, the levels drop as low as 1% to 2% each year.

Testosterone production gradually decreases with age because there are fewer signals from the pituitary gland to the testes. As you age, there is an increased production of a protein known as Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), known to affect sperm count.

Defining optimal testosterone levels in a healthy adult male can be challenging. But, a testosterone deficiency will usually present the following signs and symptoms:

  • Reduced sperm count and infertility
  • Low libido
  • Loss of facial and body hair
  • Increased breast size and lack of muscle mass
  • Hot flashes
  • Brittle bones
  • Depression, irritability and poor concentration
  • Health conditions such as injury to the testes, HIV/ AIDS, tumors, radiation and chemotherapy treatment, etc.


Testosterone therapy is primarily approved for the treatment of low production of testosterone and delayed male puberty. When you combine hCG and testosterone therapy, it can also improve specific symptoms of decreased levels of testosterone.

These symptoms include:

  • Depression and low energy
  • Generalized weakness
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Frailty
  • Issues with cognition


Issues with sperm counts or production can be categorized as obstruction. That signals an impasse along the male reproductive tract or non-obstructive problems, which indicate an impairment in sperm production.

hCG and testosterone therapy is critical to improving sperm health, function, and production. Lack thereof will negatively impact the healthy production of sperm and may also be a sign of overall poor health.

A physical evaluation is essential through the following methods:

  • A semen analysis
  • Ultrasound
  • Blood work
  • Post-ejaculation urinalysis
  • Hormone and genetic testing

Combining hCG and testosterone replacement therapy may be necessary if it’s discovered that a patient has abnormal reproductive hormones. These two therapies can significantly improve sperm health, overall health and maintain fertility.

A happy couple holding an ultrasound image, after combining hCG and testosterone therapy


TRT can be life-changing for men who experience symptoms caused by low testosterone. Testosterone therapy provides incredible benefits ranging from improving mood, energy, and libido, helping you feel like yourself again. TRT can help restore youthful stamina due to declining testosterone and even increase sex drive and potentially mitigate erectile dysfunction. However, on its own, testosterone replacement therapy may cause decreased sperm production in some people.

Testosterone is produced through a complex process of hormone interactions. When a man takes medication to counter low levels of testosterone, the process is disrupted. As a result, the body stops producing testosterone and sperm. Depending on how long one is on medication (exogenous testosterone), an individual may experience a low or zero sperm count.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) therapy can help preserve sperm health in men undergoing TRT as hCG increases testosterone in the testes. By completing the hCG and testosterone replacement therapy cycle, there should be a significant improvement in testosterone levels.

The combination of hCG and testosterone replacement therapy ensures that natural production of testosterone continues and mitigates testicular atrophy. This commonly occurs due to prolonged TRT use. The premature decline of testosterone levels is becoming more prevalent in younger men in their early 20s and 30s. This could be due to heavy smoking, which has been shown to affect them psychologically.

hCG and testosterone therapy are used to improve the symptoms of low testosterone and erectile dysfunction, and even reverse testicular atrophy and shrinkage. hCG for low T is generally safe when used appropriately under the strict supervision of your physician; why?

It’s unsafe to buy testosterone from unregulated pharmacies. You could be putting your life in danger if you unknowingly purchased a counterfeit product. If you are diagnosed with low T, get a doctor’s prescription and buy hCG from a licensed online store.


Treating low testosterone with injectable hCG and testosterone replacement therapy is the first step to a healthier lifestyle. The brain gradually begins to receive signals that there is plenty of testosterone in the bloodstream. Additionally, when there are low testosterone levels in the blood, the hypothalamus secrets what’s known as the Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH).

Simply put, GnRH triggers two crucial hormones: Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH). These hormones primarily stimulate the production of sperm, including estrogen-progesterone, and testosterone.

Combining hCG and testosterone replacement therapy is beneficial as they stimulate and increase testosterone production, boosting sperm health. The first few weeks after the injections, there should be a significant improvement on a cellular level.

You will notice:

  • Improved insulin sensitivity
  • Improvement in sex drive, satisfaction, and libido
  • Frequent morning erections and ejaculation
  • Mental alertness, improved memory and erectile functions by week four
  • Feelings of anxiety, depression, aggression, and lack of motivation begin to dissipate
  • Increased exercise capacity, lean body mass, fat mass and muscle strength should be apparent by the third month.
  • By the end of the year, the overall benefits from using hCG and testosterone therapy will include improved sex life and cognitive health, better sleep, stronger bones and muscle strength, improved insulin control, and much more.


HCG injections are FDA approved to treat testosterone deficiency, infertility and help improve sexual function. However, you shouldn’t use hCG if you have or being treated for prostate or brain cancer, including uncontrolled thyroid disease.

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